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Course 1 - Statistics of Cybersecurity

Why is Cybersecurity More Critical NOW?

Growing Cyber Attacks

In recent years, the rate of cyberattacks has skyrocketed exponentially. The same amount of attacks that happened in a year in 2014 now happen in a single day in 2024.…This rapid increase in attacks is predicted to only worsen in the upcoming years.

graph showing the icnrease of significant cyber attacks

Surprisingly, the number of significant cyberattacks annually is now in the billions. With a shortage of Cybersecurity Professionals, it's really important to understand cybersecurity. The saying "it's always better to be prepared than sorry"always holds true…especially for CYBERSECURITY!

Increased Costs

Hiring a cybersecurity professional may seem like a wonderful solution in certain scenarios…. ….but the truth is that government spending on cybersecurity professionals has consistently increased over the years. Hackers are becoming better hackers, making defending a constant challenge for cybersecurity professionals.

Graph showing an decrease, and then increase in the spending of US dollars (in billions)

You may start to panic BUT please don't panic. This website will guide you through the process of protecting your devices from all attacks.

If you are interested in exploring cybersecurity careers proceed to the next page, otherwise head straight to Course 2 . Remember, learning about cybersecurity is always beneficial, even if it's not your primary focus!

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